Sunday, November 7, 2010


Add; one moment...
Short, the conversation; overwhelming, while absorbing abstracts to the generosity of friends; she sends one putaway, placed betweeen my feet. Formal introductions, no time, we had just now mett, and only our part way through exchange; the language was the action. The volley, to get this "ready, set,..." match. I had stuck the volley without a crowd attended. And, it was not me best "be stucking"; it was her placement!

With a very heavy pace, denoting, to me, boldly acknowledging my existence, the ballancing of conversation well coordinated with the advancing changes in directions tempered, mutually, with the very important and challenging life forces we were born to triumph; the serving spins.
Whats on the table, a breakstick or double bagel ...

The crowd resumes from a short break.
As they began to intertwine, we both began to wonder.
Will we make it, will there be a match?

My manners were rather discreet, and subtely, my aggressive actions are an attempt to convince of my sureness I have shored confidence in what little trace of self-confidence there seems to be presiding in of my favor; the audience/ the crowd, they are my own friends, and they themselves together have taken their place on stage.
Themselves an audiance by "part", their place in this theatre of play.

The return, in anticipation of bounce sends me high after,..
Her ghost into the net with a whisper avoiding again my own crowd of friends.
I know this too; I'm draw all the way, half cocked, and ready, simultaniously, simply pointing back and forthe to her, I understand; pointing at my friends, off topic, that their topics are already properly understood!

They crowd; their service games, and the ability to break the serves at play, have a crucial role in this match...
... wait, they should know this; odviously they can see this...
I leap out but before landing, rather than saying “out”, I gesture; “long”, “deep”, “wide”
... and the ball has no bounce....
... the ball rolls slowly, roughly skidding, right out from under my feat,...
Was it a dream that there was at first a nice clay court...
...soft surface, luckally...before my seat comes in for a landing.

That is though preoccupied with us seperately, were strangers and my friends...
She shrugged off skirting every other contender cornering me in her stance...
...stary eyes both of us, sky harbored, no, shooting stars!
...maybe she squinted, maybe I squeemed...
Eevery contact so great an importance, my messge- detached...

The signals -congenial, and an intelligent manner has produced a very exalted image...
Thats all good, but not if she's not knowing where i stand....

I looked up for anykind of let.
When play is interrupted a let is called and the point replayed. If the ball touches the net and then falls into the diagonally opposite service box, a let is called, and the server is permitted to serve again. When a service let is called, only the service in question is replayed.

Turns out, She knows!
Maybe next time I say!
Sure, she says.

(I wonder) You think?

Astrology forecast, I think from her view my placement has a liberal, gloomy, and self-denying outlook.
Table tennis, was not the game; t'was for the crowd.

Can opener - heavily sliced serve out wide
Carve - groundstroke shot that has both under- and sidespin
love (n.)
O.E. lufu "love, affection, friendliness," from P.Gmc. *lubo (cf. O.Fris. liaf, Ger. lieb, Goth. liufs "dear, beloved;" not found elsewhere as a noun, except O.H.G. luba, Ger. Liebe), from PIE *leubh- "to care, desire, love" (cf. L. lubet, later libet "pleases;" Skt. lubhyati "desires;" O.C.S. l'ubu "dear, beloved;" Lith. liaupse "song of praise"). Meaning "a beloved person" is from early 13c. The sense "no score" (in tennis, etc.) is 1742, from the notion of "playing for love," i.e. "for nothing" (1670s). Love-letter is attested from mid-13c.; love-song from early 14c. To be in love with (someone) is from c.1500. Love life "one's collective amorous activities" is from 1919, originally a term in psychological jargon. Love affair is from 1590s. Phrase for love or money "for anything" is attested from 1580s. To fall in love is attested from early 15c. The phrase no love lost (between two people) is ambiguous and was used 17c. in ref. to two who love each other well (c.1640) as well as two who have no love for each other (1620s).


Tuesday, November 2, 2010 Blogger location Electoral State Of Poverty, United States . Sci/Tech Cat. / Politics - - Yahoo! Buzz

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Saturday, October 30, 2010


America, The Beatiful.
Collumbus noted that they saw a light two days before sighting land.
If ever he did so, to what then came to his mind; to the phrase of "Seeing the light"?
Of America today?
1 in 3, One, in three Americans today struggle to meet the needs of their supply of diapers. (Huggies television commercial)
America is getting older yet her beauty always has a way of shining through, its just the matter of ...well, supposing that is one.
Were their dreamers and pioneers present whose ideas were sealed to merge with those on land whose native knowledge and wisdom of both the world and the Great Father Spirit were shared, and compaired together, and sorted and mapped, and sealed together, then possibly set adrift with the time and age of our maturing; a nurturing period, a growing cycle, a seasoning, and the three to some recogning?

Up the hill to find appeal; Heaven having now firm in our place our future of and through all creation at His hand; right with us, is at His right, right before us.
He set forthe His dish and His face was upon the waters; the waters', the foundations set so the waters are withen the borders.

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Maybe javascript is helpful to have on board your webcreating journey or blogging.
I found the following from my own attempt at reocities andthen again before on an old blogger blog; the latter was removed but I think I actually clicked my own spam comment, or blogger didn't recognize me nore interest enough to attach reply address.

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Monday, June 14, 2010

ROGUE RESCUE , Life Is A Journey

At home, at peace; in that, my desire for beautiful things is strong , but not desires to buy things, rather more an appretiation of things; and with that, there is a complimentary fieldstone that draws depth of feelings in grace almost graceful, not to get carried away by any myst-teek, or drawn away from reality, and enjoying the presence that does exist; whether that be to beautify the home; then again, maybe a bit of that could drift into my blog works.
Just surrounding myself with beauty appreciating the lighter and more pleasant aspects of life. Good friends.
A good mood and able to enjoy... some awe and Thanking God Above!
...and, finale, rest and absorb; fore what a last few days!
Life Is A Journey

Monday, May 3, 2010


Familiar with these today:
Meaning of turgid, proximity, aristocracy, crass, calumniate, misanthrope, dilettante, exodus, devious, harangue
Meanings of turgid, proximity, aristocracy, crass, calumniate, misanthrope, dilettante, exodus, devious, harangue

Tomorrow Study These
Online Dictionary Meanings
Meaning of delineate, fiasco, paraphrase, exploit, sanctimoniousMeaning of diverting, corpulent, antithetical, anonymous, condignMeaning of pedant, countenance, predilection, pseudonym, sagacityMeaning of hoax, extirpate, flaunt, ensue, concedeMeaning of boorish, arid, ponderous, blandishment, antithesisMeaning of cumbrous, pedantic, dolorous, disconsolate, mottledMeaning of dissension, archetype, erratum, proletariat, denunciationMeaning of impostor, respite, reprisal, hovel, scintillaMeaning of reverberate, err, ejaculate, accelerate, appriseMeaning of aptness, caricature, procrastinate, venerable, forensicMeaning of provisional, judicious, apathetic, fatuous, masqueradeMeaning of inference, analogy, innuendo, exposition, panegyricMeaning of castigate, impugn, impeach, gesticulate, belieMeaning of elucidate, dogmatic, deplete, obsession, inordinateMeaning of contemptuous, authentic, credible, gluttonous, maudlinMeaning of tenet, devastation, forbearance, fealty, prestigeMeaning of abash, assiduous, copious, insidious, aggressiveMeaning of presumption, dispel, emissary, demure, diffident, batonMeaning of blight, harangue, obtrude, besmirch, immunizeMeaning of clandestine, whimsical, effete, compendium, civil
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Reocities Archive, rising from the ashes - RIP Geocities...

Reocities Archive, rising from the ashes - RIP Geocities...

Monday, April 26, 2010


mast exegesis
the introduction by an interpreter of his own ideas into a text under explication.
See also: Bible

Friday, February 5, 2010


SOUND OFF; 2nd Page; open V. to sound the clarion call that would restore order, call people back from the edge when leaning too far overboard, and resonate a message of hope to keep values and actions consistent with the original purpose of the voyage. ... The sounds of entertainment were enticing. Like Odysseus in Homer’s Iliad they listened to the singing of the Sirens wooing victims. Odysseus’ men had to tie him with ropes to prevent him from answering the call to destruction.

1. June 07,2009, 7:14PM
John 1. COMMENT There is a constant on the Earth of a conscienciousness to some Illiad or an Oddyssey...